Working With 211
Emergency Management – 211 Role in Emergency Response and Recovery
Municipalities and communities have the safety and well-being of their residents as a primary consideration every day and during emergencies. 211 can reduce the load on municipalities and help them focus their resources in ways that they are uniquely equipped to do. Being able to get relevant and accurate information to the public and respond...
Read MoreDatabases and Service Mapping
Our comprehensive human services database of health, government, social and community programs and services is available for use by organizations and community groups.
Read MoreIncident Reporting
Based on a prevalence of racism in the history of Thunder Bay and the lack of tracking and monitoring of racism incidents by any one agency or organization there is no mechanism in place to adequately assess or address how racism is negatively impacting the physical and mental health of its residents.
Read MoreReport Graffiti in Thunder Bay
The City of Thunder Bay has adopted a Graffiti Management By-law to lower the amount of graffiti found in the community.
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